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What Can I Do if I Am Falsely Arrested and Imprisoned in Illinois?

 Posted on August 14,2020 in Civil Rights

Chicago civil rights lawyerPolice brutality has been in the news lately, and many may think it simply involves officers using excessive or unreasonable force on suspects. However, police brutality can take other forms, including violating a person’s rights to due process, which can result in serious consequences. Examples of this include false arrest and imprisonment. Besides the psychological damage caused to a person after he or she is wrongfully arrested, other ramifications may take place. An individual could lose his or her job, resulting in significant financial problems and possible loss of child custody or parenting time. Although the U.S. Constitution states that every person is innocent until proven guilty, it is important to note that any civil rights violation is illegal despite a suspect’s innocence or guilt. An experienced civil rights attorney can help injured parties take legal action to hold police officers and police departments responsible for this unlawful behavior and activity.

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How Does Crash Prevention Technology Reduce Car Accident Injuries?

 Posted on July 15,2020 in Car Accidents

Chicago personal injury lawyerAnytime someone hits the open road in a vehicle, he or she runs the risk of being involved in an automobile crash. According to the website driverknowledge.com, approximately 3 million people are injured every year in car accidents. Here in Illinois, vehicle fatalities have been on the rise despite fewer cars on the road due to stay-at-home orders issued in response to COVID-19. Advanced technology, sometimes referred to as “driver assistance,” is aimed to prevent the number of vehicle collisions as well as subsequent injuries and fatalities. 

Alerting Drivers of Potential Dangers

In an effort to make vehicles safer, many auto manufacturers are requiring crash prevention technology to be on all their newer models. The majority of accidents that occur are due to human error. New technology within the car industry has completely changed the way cars operate. Some of these features offer modern luxuries but many provide enhanced safety systems. 

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Can an Interrogation Violate My Civil Rights?

 Posted on June 15,2020 in Civil Rights

Chicago civil rights attorneySome citizens may find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. In certain situations, they may even be accused of a criminal act. According to the Constitution, every American is innocent until proven guilty. When a person is suspected of committing a crime, the police will likely ask the alleged offender a series of questions. In some cases, the officer may also perform a search of their vehicle or home. If the suspect is arrested for an alleged criminal offense, they are typically taken into police custody. Part of the investigation may also include questioning or interrogation. Police must follow proper protocol during these procedures, but unfortunately this is not always the case. In certain situations, officers may use improper tactics that can harm an individual, which can be considered a civil rights violation

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A Message From Our Law Office About the George Floyd Incident and Police Brutality

 Posted on June 01,2020 in Civil Rights

On May 25, 2020, people across the United States reacted in shock at the death of George Floyd. During an arrest, police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota handcuffed Mr. Floyd and pinned him to the ground, and an officer knelt on his neck for over eight minutes. After Mr. Floyd's death, this officer was charged with third-degree murder. Subsequently, Black Lives Matter protests have been held across the country, and these have resulted in many other accusations of police brutality involving the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, police batons, vehicles, and other weapons.

At Kadzai Law Group, LLC, we strongly condemn illegal behavior by police officers. It is important for everyone to respect the law, including those who are sworn to serve and protect the public. Police brutality in any form is wrong. If you have been injured by police officers, we are here to stand by your side and help protect your civil rights. Contact us at 312-229-0050 to learn more about how we can help.    

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How Can Drivers Prevent Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries in Illinois?

 Posted on May 14,2020 in Personal Injury

Cook County motorcycle accident attorneyNow that spring has arrived, the weather is warming up in Illinois. After being required to stay at home over the past couple months, many motorcyclists are looking forward to hitting the open road, whether they will be commuting to and from work at an essential business or seeking a reprieve from being cooped up indoors. May is National Motorcycle Awareness Month, and advocates are working to make other motorists more aware of motorcycle riders and help reduce or prevent accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 5,000 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents in 2018. It is especially important for car and truck drivers to understand the safety challenges faced by motorcycle riders. Due to their lack of protection compared to vehicles, riders are more vulnerable to collisions and injuries

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Can I Pursue Compensation for Injuries in a Public Transit Accident?

 Posted on April 22,2020 in Personal Injury

South Side of Chicago public transportation accident lawyerChicago is the third largest city in the United States, and the latest census information puts its population at approximately 9.5 million people. The Chicago metropolitan area includes the city and its surrounding suburbs, and there are many public transit options for residents as well as tourists. Traffic in Chicago is known to be heavy, especially on weekdays during rush hour. That is why many city dwellers and suburbanites use mass transit to get to and from work. From Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and Pace buses to “the L” (elevated trains), Metra trains, and water taxis, there are many ways to get all over the city without driving a vehicle. However, as with other forms of transportation, there is the potential for injuries in the event of a mass transit accident.    

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