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Are Injuries Worse When the Driver is Drunk and Speeding?

 Posted on March 06, 2025 in Car Accidents

Chicago, IL personal injury lawyerA recent crash on the Kennedy Expressway left a victim fighting for his life. Another driver was reportedly traveling at 126 mph before hitting the victim’s car. That impact sent the struck car into a spin, resulting in another collision with a box truck and trapping the victim. According to reports, the speeding driver’s car contained an open wine bottle, with beer in the trunk. A judge detained that driver as a safety risk.

Separately, excessive speed and drunk driving are dangerous and negligent behaviors. Combined, they can be deadly. If you are injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, our Hyde Park, IL personal injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

What Is Driving Reaction Time?

Suppose the best way to avoid a collision is to slam on your brakes and steer toward the right. There are several distinct steps that must happen before your car stops and changes course. First, you must notice a traffic or road condition, such as stalled traffic ahead or debris on the road. Next, your brain has to process what those things mean: if you continue at the same speed in the same direction, you will hit something, so you need to take corrective actions.

You must then move your foot to the brake pedal, and you also need to begin turning your steering wheel. Your car cannot stop or turn until you give it those directions. Finally, your car needs time and distance to complete your commands.

Although all these steps may not take very long, even a one-second delay can cause a collision. Unfortunately, impaired driving and speeding can cause delayed reactions.

Are Collisions Involving Excessive Speed and Impaired Driving Worse?

The faster a vehicle is moving, the stronger its impact force will be if it hits another vehicle. Heavier vehicles hit harder than lighter ones, but at the 126-mph speed in the collision mentioned above, the force was enough to spin the struck vehicle and force it into a nearby truck. Another factor to consider is that excessively speeding vehicles need more distance and time to stop, even if the driver notices a danger and immediately tries to reduce speed. High-speed impacts can cause extremely severe and fatal injuries.

Alcohol and drugs cause various impairments, including:

  • Blurred vision

  • Recognition problems

  • Poor judgment

  • Reduced motor skills

  • Difficulty concentrating

In many impaired driving collisions, the driver does not make any attempt to avoid crashing. The lack of evasive maneuvers can also make injuries more severe.

When negligent driving injures you, a personal injury claim could provide you with compensation. The at-fault driver does not have to be cited for speeding or drunk driving for you to pursue your accident claim. Still, it is best to have a skilled lawyer handling your case. We know how to collect supporting evidence and fight to see a maximum payout for you.

Call Our Respected Chicago, IL Car Accident Lawyer

For optimal claim results, you need to partner with the right lawyer. Call Kadzai Law Group, LLC at 312-229-0050 or reach out online to request your free case review with our knowledgeable Hyde Park, IL personal injury attorney today.

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