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Nursing Home Elopement in Illinois

 Posted on July 25,2024 in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

IL injury lawyerNursing homes can be a wonderful place for aging individuals to live in dignity and comfort. People take a lot of time and effort to find the right home for their loved ones, where they can receive specialized care if needed while enjoying a rich social life. Unfortunately, some nursing homes fail to provide as safe and secure an environment as you might hope. Nursing home elopement - a term that describes when elderly residents wander or leave a facility unsupervised - can pose serious risks. If your relative experienced nursing home elopement, contact a qualified Chicago, IL personal injury attorney who can review your case and guide you forward.

Legal Obligation of Nursing Homes

Nursing homes have a legal responsibility to provide their residents with a safe environment and ensure there is no abuse or neglect taking place. This includes taking steps to prevent elopement, such as:

  • Proper monitoring: Routine assessments of the residents’ cognitive abilities can help identify anyone with a higher risk of elopement. Any who are identified should be placed under specified monitoring to ensure they are safe and sound inside the facility at all times.
  • Security measures: There should be security protocols like door alarms, video surveillance, and staff codes or badges required for leaving the facility.
  • Staff Training: Staff should be trained to recognize signs of elopement risk, respond to emergencies, promptly address any wandering incidents, and communicate effectively with residents and their families.

Why is Nursing Home Elopement Dangerous?

Elopement can have severe consequences for elderly residents. People with dementia or other cognitive disorders are particularly vulnerable. Nursing home residents who wander outside their facility face the risk of exposure to harsh weather conditions, disorientation without a phone or other way to communicate with someone who can help, traffic hazards, physical injuries, and even death.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Hyde Park, IL Nursing Home Elopement Attorney

If your relative was a victim of nursing home elopement, speak with a knowledgeable Chicago, IL personal injury lawyer. You might have a case for legal action due to negligence or inadequate care. You and your family could get compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and even punitive damages, which can hold the facility accountable and hopefully prevent similar incidents from happening again. Call Kadzai Law Group, LLC at 312-229-0050 so we can discuss your case and explore your legal options.

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