Is Illinois Nursing Home Neglect Worse During the Holidays?
The winter holiday season is traditionally a time for families and friends to gather and celebrate. For nursing home residents, however, feelings of isolation and sadness can be overwhelming. To make matters worse, this period can bring an increased likelihood of neglect and abuse by staff members.
If you believe your loved one is being abused or neglected in her nursing home, you can trust the caring Chicago, IL lawyer from Kadzai Law Group, LLC to help hold the facility and other liable parties accountable for the harm she suffered. Call now to learn more about your legal options.
Why Does Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse Happen?
At any time of year, nursing home residents are at risk for abuse and neglect. Although the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act establishes strict requirements for these long-term care facilities, the Illinois Department of Public Health takes action against several facilities for violations every quarter. Common reasons for nursing home abuse and neglect include:
Not enough staff
Poorly trained staff
Lack of staff or resident supervision
Lax hiring practices
During the holiday season, other factors can make neglect or abuse more likely, including:
Temporary staff hired to allow regular staff time off with their families
Staff distracted by their own holiday plans
Fewer staff members on duty than normal
Lack of social opportunities for residents
Regardless of the reasons, the holidays often bring heightened emotions, intensifying feelings of loneliness for patients. When nursing home facilities and staff fail to focus on the well-being of their residents, patients can suffer physical, mental, emotional, and even financial harm.
What Kinds of Abuse and Neglect Happen in Nursing Homes During the Holidays?
The range of possible neglect and abuse is broad and often includes:
Staff manipulating residents into purchasing gifts for their own families
Restraining patients unnecessarily
Failing to feed and hydrate patients
Allowing residents to wander
Ignoring the resident’s emotional needs
Failing to help immobile patients adjust positions regularly
Delaying medications or medical care
Slapping, hitting, and yelling at residents
These negligent or intentional behaviors can have various effects on nursing home residents, many of whom lack the physical or mental strength needed to prevent abuse or neglect. While your holiday schedule is likely full, plan to check on your loved ones who reside in nursing homes more often than normal. They may be unable to communicate their abuse or neglect, so you need to watch for red flags, such as:
Unexplained infections or injuries
Dehydration or malnutrition
Excessive withdrawal
The experienced attorneys at Kadzai Law Group, LLC can investigate the suspected wrongdoing, gather evidence to hold the appropriate parties accountable, and help you get justice for your loved one through compensation.
Consult With Our Trusted Hyde Park, IL Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers
At Kadzai Law Group, LLC, we hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday season. However, we stand ready to help if nursing home neglect or abuse harms your loved ones. Call us at 312-229-0050 to schedule a free consultation with our respected South Side of Chicago, IL personal injury attorneys.