Can an Interrogation Violate My Civil Rights?
Some citizens may find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. In certain situations, they may even be accused of a criminal act. According to the Constitution, every American is innocent until proven guilty. When a person is suspected of committing a crime, the police will likely ask the alleged offender a series of questions. In some cases, the officer may also perform a search of their vehicle or home. If the suspect is arrested for an alleged criminal offense, they are typically taken into police custody. Part of the investigation may also include questioning or interrogation. Police must follow proper protocol during these procedures, but unfortunately this is not always the case. In certain situations, officers may use improper tactics that can harm an individual, which can be considered a civil rights violation.
Police Brutality
During an arrest, police often justify using force if they claim a suspect is not complying with a request. Unfortunately, it is all too common for officers to perform improper actions after arresting a suspect. Law enforcement personnel may use different techniques to get an accused person to confess to a crime, even one they did not commit. Tactics may include torture during interrogations or coerced confessions. This illegal activity can be considered a form of police brutality. Using excessive force, conducting a strip search or body cavity search, or even sexually assaulting a suspect are also ways that police can intimidate a suspect.
An individual can also suffer injuries if an interrogation becomes violent. In some situations, an officer may punch, slap, kick, or inflict other harm on a suspect in an effort to extract a confession. Depending on the circumstances, someone can suffer minor to serious injuries because of police brutality. Some injuries might even require surgery and can include, but are not limited to, the following:
Broken bones
Facial fractures
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
If your civil rights have been violated, it is essential that you consult with an experienced attorney to determine if police officers can be held liable for their illegal actions. If the police were unlawful in conducting a search, making an arrest, or questioning you, you may be able to petition the court to dismiss the evidence obtained from illegal police conduct.
Contact a Chicago Civil Rights Attorney
The abuse of power can take many forms, including by those who are sworn to protect and serve our community. At the seasoned Kadzai Law Group, LLC, we understand the impact of police brutality on victims, their families, and the city as a whole. Our dedicated Hyde Park police brutality lawyers know the laws and what it takes to hold law enforcement accountable for their actions. We will work hard to protect your rights in these cases and make sure that you are compensated for the harm done to you and your loved ones. Call us today at 312-229-0050 to schedule your free consultation.